Cast and Crew

The Hidden People is made possible with a talented set of cast and crew who pour their creativity, expertise and voices into our fiction podcast.


Jordan Lopez as Mackenna

Stephen Gogol as Alfie

Sean Gunther as The Storyteller

Xander Hildenbrandt as Shaylee

Emily Kallenberg as Sam

Stephen Kallenberg as Thomas

Luna Madison as Nissa

Alexander Chilton as Lee

Also Starring

Jacob Anderson

Sarah Ammar

Aaron Brewer

Jim Brown

Tara Browne

Zachary Brown

Saul Caplan

Rachel Collinsworth

Erin Crane

Casey Dillon

Zack Duncan

Aaron Eechaute-Lopez

Jaden Fine

Dave Gaylor

Danielle Gunther

Jennie Hawley

Sarah Hudson

David Kellner

Ryan Lakes

Keely Lovern

Fiona MacKinnon

Brendan McGarry

Krissy McKim-Barker

Chatam Miracle

Peter Murphy

Amy Parrish

Brennan Paulin

Hayley Penchoff

Chris Petree

Michael Plaugher

Hannah Preisinger

Stephanie Radford

Carly Risenhoover-Peterson

Libby Scancarello

Bethany Scearce

Amanda Schrader

David Senatore

Bridget Shingleton Hutt

Mary Snapp

Piper Sobel

Darlene Spencer

Mike Uetz

Adam Vigneron

Molly Wade

Norb Wessels

Zachariah Zebediah

Writers and Producers

Executive Producer, Lead Writer, and Director: Chris Burnside

Executive Producer, Writer, and Director: Megan Burnside

Producer, Writer: Stephen Kallenberg

Producer, Writer: Alexa Fett Fisher

Producer: Jordan Lopez

Writer: Anna Adami

Writer: Daniel Scott Bokemper

Writer: Cari Zahn

Audio Engineer

Dan Sievers

Collin Susich

Mckinney Botts

Audio Designer & Original Compositions

Katharine Seaton

The Hidden People Theme Song

Season 1:

Written, Played and Performed by Michael Yates.

Vocals by Jordan Lopez and Michael Yates

Season 2:

Written by Michael Yates and Katharine Seaton.

Vocals by Jordan Lopez and Katharine Seaton

The Hidden People Logo designed by Alex Bokemper